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Ed25519 Accounts
The Aptos .NET SDK provides a simple way to create and manage Ed25519 accounts. In this guide we will provide snippets of creating or importing existing accounts.
Creating Ed25519Accounts
Ed25519Accounts are created to sign transactions and interact with the blockchain.
Using a Private Key
To generate an account from a private key, you will need to create the Ed25519PrivateKey
object and pass into into the
constructor. The private key can be given a string
or byte[]
var privateKey = new Ed25519PrivateKey("0x1234...abcdef");
var account = new Ed25519Account(privateKey);
Using a Mneomonic Phrase
To generate an account from a phrase, you can use Ed25519Account.FromDerivationPath
and pass in the phrase and the derivation path.
The derivation path that is typically used throughout the Aptos ecosystem is m/44'/637'/0'/0'/0'
var account = Ed25519Account.FromDerivationPath(
"apple banana cat dog elephant fox ..."
Generating a Random Account
To create a random account, you can use the Account.Generate()
var account = Account.Generate();